Quick Start – Embrace Best Research Experience

This page is for researchers who want to validate their marvelous quantization idea using MQBench, if you want to get started with deployment using MQBench, check Quick Start – Deploy Just in 4 Lines.

MQBench is a benchmark, a framework and a good tool for researchers. MQBench is designed easy-to-use for researchers, for example, you can easily custom Academic Backend by providing an extra config dict to conduct any experiment. We provide step-by-step instructions and detailed comments below to help you finish deploying the PyTorch ResNet18 model to a Custom Academic Backend.

Before starting, you should have done the MQBench setup in Setup MQBench. Now we start the tour.

1. To begin with, let’s import MQBench and prepare FP32 model.

import torchvision.models as models                           # for example model
from mqbench.prepare_by_platform import prepare_by_platform   # add quant nodes for specific Backend
from mqbench.prepare_by_platform import BackendType           # contain various Backend, contains Academic.
from mqbench.utils.state import enable_calibration            # turn on calibration algorithm, determine scale, zero_point, etc.
from mqbench.utils.state import enable_quantization           # turn on actually quantization, like FP32 -> INT8

model = models.__dict__["resnet18"](pretrained=True)          # use vision pre-defined model

2. Then we learn the extra configration to custom Academic Backend.

You can also learn this section through MQBench source code. Learn all options through our Learn MQBench configuration

extra_config = {
    'extra_qconfig_dict': {
        'w_observer': 'MSEObserver',                              # custom weight observer
        'a_observer': 'MSEObserver',                              # custom activation observer
        'w_fakequantize': 'FixedFakeQuantize',                    # custom weight fake quantize function
        'a_fakequantize': 'FixedFakeQuantize',                    # custom activation fake quantize function
        'w_qscheme': {
            'bit': 8,                                             # custom bitwidth for weight,
            'symmetry': False,                                    # custom whether quant is symmetric for weight,
            'per_channel': True,                                  # custom whether quant is per-channel or per-tensor for weight,
            'pot_scale': False,                                   # custom whether scale is power of two for weight.
        'a_qscheme': {
            'bit': 8,                                             # custom bitwidth for activation,
            'symmetry': False,                                    # custom whether quant is symmetric for activation,
            'per_channel': True,                                  # custom whether quant is per-channel or per-tensor for activation,
            'pot_scale': False,                                   # custom whether scale is power of two for activation.

3. The next step prepares to conduct the experiment, take PTQ as the example.

model = prepare_by_platform(model,
    BackendType.Academic, extra_config)                       #! 1. trace model and add quant nodes for model on Academic Backend

enable_calibration(model)                                     #! 2. turn on calibration, ready for gathering data

# calibration loop
for i, batch in enumerate(data):
    # do forward procedures

enable_quantization(model)                                    #! 3. turn on actually quantization, ready for simulating Backend inference

# evaluation loop
for i, batch in enumerate(data):
    # do forward procedures

You have already known all basics about how to validate your marvelous quantization idea with MQBench, congratulations!

Now you can follow our advanced user guide and developer guide to know more about MQBench.