Source code for mqbench.fuser_method_mappings

from typing import Optional, Type

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.quantization.fx.fusion_patterns import ConvBNReLUFusion, ModuleReLUFusion
from torch.quantization.fx.quantization_types import QuantizerCls
from torch.fx.graph import Node

import mqbench.nn as qnn
import mqbench.nn.intrinsic as qnni
import mqbench.nn.intrinsic.qat as qnniqat
from mqbench.utils.fusion import fuse_deconv_bn_eval
from mqbench.nn.modules import FrozenBatchNorm2d

[docs]class ConvFreezebnReLUFusion(ConvBNReLUFusion): def __init__(self, quantizer: QuantizerCls, node: Node): super(ConvBNReLUFusion, self).__init__(quantizer, node) self.relu_node = None self.bn_node = None if (node.op == 'call_function' and is torch.nn.functional.relu) or \ (node.op == 'call_module' and type(quantizer.modules[]) == torch.nn.ReLU): self.relu_node = node assert isinstance(node.args[0], Node) node = node.args[0] assert node.op == 'call_module' if type(quantizer.modules[]) in [torch.nn.BatchNorm1d, torch.nn.BatchNorm2d, torch.nn.BatchNorm3d, FrozenBatchNorm2d]: self.bn_node = node = quantizer.modules[] assert isinstance(node.args[0], Node) node = node.args[0] assert node.op == 'call_module' self.conv_node = node self.conv = quantizer.modules[]
[docs]def fuse_linear_bn(linear, bn): r"""Given the linear and bn modules, fuses them and returns the fused module Args: conv: Module instance of type Linear bn: Spatial BN instance that needs to be fused with the conv Examples:: >>> m1 = nn.Linear(10, 20) >>> b1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(20) >>> m2 = fuse_linear_bn(m1, b1) """ assert( ==,\ "Linear and BN both must be in the same mode (train or eval)." if assert bn.affine, 'Only support fusing BatchNorm1d with affine set to True' assert bn.track_running_stats, 'Only support fusing BatchNorm1d with tracking_running_stats set to True' return qnn.intrinsic.LinearBn1d(linear, bn) else: return nn.utils.fusion.fuse_linear_bn_eval(linear, bn)
[docs]def fuse_deconv_bn(deconv, bn): assert( ==,\ 'DeConv and BN must be in the same mode (train or eval)' if assert bn.num_features == deconv.out_channels, 'Output channel of ConvTranspose2d must match num_features of BatchNorm2d' assert bn.affine, 'Only support fusing BatchNorm2d with affine set to True' assert bn.track_running_stats, 'Only support fusing BatchNorm2d with tracking_running_stats set to True' return qnni.ConvTransposeBn2d(deconv, bn) else: return fuse_deconv_bn_eval(deconv, bn)
[docs]def fuse_deconv_bn_relu(deconv, bn, relu): assert( == ==,\ "DeConv and BN both must be in the same mode (train or eval)." if assert bn.num_features == deconv.out_channels, 'Output channel of ConvTranspose2d must match num_features of BatchNorm2d' assert bn.affine, 'Only support fusing BatchNorm2d with affine set to True' assert bn.track_running_stats, 'Only support fusing BatchNorm2d with tracking_running_stats set to True' return qnni.ConvTransposeBnReLU2d(deconv, bn, relu) else: return qnni.ConvTransposeReLU2d(fuse_deconv_bn_eval(deconv, bn), relu)
[docs]def fuse_conv_freezebn(conv, bn): assert( is False), "Freezebn must be eval." fused_module_class_map = { nn.Conv2d: qnni.ConvFreezebn2d, } if assert bn.num_features == conv.out_channels, 'Output channel of Conv2d must match num_features of BatchNorm2d' assert bn.affine, 'Only support fusing BatchNorm2d with affine set to True' assert bn.track_running_stats, 'Only support fusing BatchNorm2d with tracking_running_stats set to True' fused_module_class = fused_module_class_map.get((type(conv)), None) return fused_module_class(conv, bn) else: return nn.utils.fuse_conv_bn_eval(conv, bn)
[docs]def fuse_conv_freezebn_relu(conv, bn, relu): assert( == and is False), "Conv and relu both must be in the same mode (train or eval) and bn must be eval." fused_module : Optional[Type[nn.Sequential]] = None if map_to_fused_module_train = { nn.Conv2d: qnni.ConvFreezebnReLU2d, } assert bn.num_features == conv.out_channels, 'Output channel of Conv must match num_features of BatchNorm' assert bn.affine, 'Only support fusing BatchNorm with affine set to True' assert bn.track_running_stats, 'Only support fusing BatchNorm with tracking_running_stats set to True' fused_module = map_to_fused_module_train.get(type(conv), None) return fused_module(conv, bn, relu) else: map_to_fused_module_eval = { nn.Conv2d: nn.intrinsic.ConvReLU2d, } fused_module = map_to_fused_module_eval.get(type(conv), None) fused_conv = nn.utils.fusion.fuse_conv_bn_eval(conv, bn) return fused_module(fused_conv, relu)
[docs]def fuse_deconv_freezebn(deconv, bn): assert( is False), "Freezebn must be eval." if assert bn.num_features == deconv.out_channels, 'Output channel of ConvTranspose2d must match num_features of BatchNorm2d' assert bn.affine, 'Only support fusing BatchNorm2d with affine set to True' assert bn.track_running_stats, 'Only support fusing BatchNorm2d with tracking_running_stats set to True' return qnni.ConvTransposeFreezebn2d(deconv, bn) else: return fuse_deconv_bn_eval(deconv, bn)
[docs]def fuse_deconv_freezebn_relu(deconv, bn, relu): assert( == and is False), "Conv and relu both must be in the same mode (train or eval) and bn must be eval." if assert bn.num_features == deconv.out_channels, 'Output channel of ConvTranspose2d must match num_features of BatchNorm2d' assert bn.affine, 'Only support fusing BatchNorm2d with affine set to True' assert bn.track_running_stats, 'Only support fusing BatchNorm2d with tracking_running_stats set to True' return qnni.ConvTransposeFreezebnReLU2d(deconv, bn, relu) else: return qnni.ConvTransposeReLU2d(fuse_deconv_bn_eval(deconv, bn), relu)
fuse_custom_config_dict = { "additional_fuser_method_mapping": { (torch.nn.Linear, torch.nn.BatchNorm1d): fuse_linear_bn, (torch.nn.ConvTranspose2d, torch.nn.BatchNorm2d): fuse_deconv_bn, (torch.nn.ConvTranspose2d, torch.nn.BatchNorm2d, torch.nn.ReLU): fuse_deconv_bn_relu, (torch.nn.ConvTranspose2d, torch.nn.ReLU): qnni.ConvTransposeReLU2d, (nn.Conv2d, FrozenBatchNorm2d, nn.ReLU): fuse_conv_freezebn_relu, (nn.Conv2d, FrozenBatchNorm2d): fuse_conv_freezebn, (nn.ConvTranspose2d, FrozenBatchNorm2d, nn.ReLU): fuse_deconv_freezebn_relu, (nn.ConvTranspose2d, FrozenBatchNorm2d): fuse_deconv_freezebn, }, "additional_fusion_pattern": { (torch.nn.BatchNorm1d, torch.nn.Linear): ConvBNReLUFusion, (torch.nn.BatchNorm2d, torch.nn.ConvTranspose2d): ConvBNReLUFusion, (torch.nn.ReLU, torch.nn.ConvTranspose2d): ConvBNReLUFusion, (torch.nn.ReLU, (torch.nn.BatchNorm2d, torch.nn.ConvTranspose2d)): ConvBNReLUFusion, (torch.nn.functional.relu, torch.nn.ConvTranspose2d): ConvBNReLUFusion, (torch.nn.functional.relu, (torch.nn.BatchNorm2d, torch.nn.ConvTranspose2d)): ConvBNReLUFusion, (torch.nn.ReLU, (FrozenBatchNorm2d, torch.nn.Conv2d)): ConvFreezebnReLUFusion, (FrozenBatchNorm2d, torch.nn.Conv2d): ConvFreezebnReLUFusion, (torch.nn.ReLU, (FrozenBatchNorm2d, torch.nn.ConvTranspose2d)): ConvFreezebnReLUFusion, (FrozenBatchNorm2d, torch.nn.ConvTranspose2d): ConvFreezebnReLUFusion, }, "additional_qat_module_mappings": { nn.ConvTranspose2d: qnn.qat.ConvTranspose2d, qnni.LinearBn1d: qnniqat.LinearBn1d, qnni.ConvTransposeBn2d: qnniqat.ConvTransposeBn2d, qnni.ConvTransposeReLU2d: qnniqat.ConvTransposeReLU2d, qnni.ConvTransposeBnReLU2d: qnniqat.ConvTransposeBnReLU2d, qnni.ConvFreezebn2d: qnniqat.ConvFreezebn2d, qnni.ConvFreezebnReLU2d: qnniqat.ConvFreezebnReLU2d, qnni.ConvTransposeFreezebn2d: qnniqat.ConvTransposeFreezebn2d, qnni.ConvTransposeFreezebnReLU2d: qnniqat.ConvTransposeFreezebnReLU2d, nn.Embedding: qnn.qat.Embedding, }, } def _sort_fusion_patterns(pats): keys = [] for key in pats.keys(): if pats[key] is ModuleReLUFusion: keys.append(key) for key in keys: pats.move_to_end(key) # Sinse additional_fuser_method_mapping will not be set because # do not pass this dict. from torch.quantization.fuser_method_mappings import DEFAULT_OP_LIST_TO_FUSER_METHOD from torch.quantization.fx.pattern_utils import DEFAULT_FUSION_PATTERNS from torch.quantization.quantization_mappings import DEFAULT_QAT_MODULE_MAPPINGS DEFAULT_OP_LIST_TO_FUSER_METHOD.update( fuse_custom_config_dict['additional_fuser_method_mapping']) DEFAULT_FUSION_PATTERNS.update( fuse_custom_config_dict['additional_fusion_pattern']) # Make longer matched pattern prior. # i.e. Conv + BN + Relu should match ConvBnRelu before BNRelu. # Any thing registered in class ConvBNReLUFusion should be # proir than class ModuleReLUFusion. _sort_fusion_patterns(DEFAULT_FUSION_PATTERNS) DEFAULT_QAT_MODULE_MAPPINGS.update( fuse_custom_config_dict['additional_qat_module_mappings'])