Advanced PTQ
MQBench provides a simple API for advanced PTQ, learn our step-by-step instructions to quantize your model.
1. Prepare FP32 model firstly.
import torchvision.models as models
from mqbench.convert_deploy import convert_deploy
from mqbench.prepare_by_platform import prepare_qat_fx_by_platform, BackendType
from mqbench.utils.state import enable_calibration, enable_quantization
from mqbench.advanced_ptq import ptq_reconstruction
# first, initialize the FP32 model with pretrained parameters.
model = models.__dict__["resnet18"](pretrained=True)
2. Configure advanced ptq and backend.
# configuration
ptq_reconstruction_config = {
'pattern': 'block', #? 'layer' for Adaround or 'block' for BRECQ and QDROP
'scale_lr': 4.0e-5, #? learning rate for learning step size of activation
'warm_up': 0.2, #? 0.2 * max_count iters without regularization to floor or ceil
'weight': 0.01, #? loss weight for regularization item
'max_count': 20000, #? optimization iteration
'b_range': [20,2], #? beta decaying range
'keep_gpu': True, #? calibration data restore in gpu or cpu
'round_mode': 'learned_hard_sigmoid', #? ways to reconstruct the weight, currently only support learned_hard_sigmoid
'prob': 1.0, #? dropping probability of QDROP, 1.0 for Adaround and BRECQ
# backend options
backend = BackendType.Tensorrt
# backend = BackendType.SNPE
# backend = BackendType.PPLW8A16
# backend = BackendType.NNIE
# backend = BackendType.Vitis
# backend = BackendType.ONNX_QNN
# backend = BackendType.PPLCUDA
# backend = BackendType.OPENVINO
# backend = BackendType.Tengine_u8
# backend = BackendType.Tensorrt_NLP
3. Prepare to quantize the model.
# trace model and add quant nodes for model on backend
model = prepare_by_platform(model, backend)
# calibration loop
for i, batch in enumerate(data):
# do forward procedures
# ptq_reconstruction loop
stacked_tensor = []
# add ptq_reconstruction data to stack
for i, batch_data in enumerate(data):
if i == cali_batchsize:
# start ptq_reconstruction
model = ptq_reconstruction(model, stacked_tensor, ptq_reconstruction_config)
# evaluation loop
for i, batch in enumerate(data):
# do forward procedures
4. Export quantized model.
# deploy model, remove fake quantize nodes, and dump quantization params like clip ranges.
input_shape={'data': [10, 3, 224, 224]}
convert_deploy(model, backend, input_shape)
you can find algorithm details in Advanced PTQ. We also provides an example in here.