Source code for mqbench.advanced_ptq

import torch
import torch.nn.intrinsic.qat as nniqat
from torch.fx import GraphModule, Node
from torch import fx, nn
from torch.nn import Module

USE_LINK = False
USE_DDP = False

__all__ = ['ptq_reconstruction']

    import spring.linklink as link
    if not link.is_initialized():
    USE_LINK = True
except (ModuleNotFoundError, AssertionError):
    import torch.distributed as dist
    if torch.distributed.is_initialized():
        USE_DDP = True

import numpy as np
from typing import List

from mqbench.utils.logger import logger
from mqbench.utils.hook import DataSaverHook, StopForwardException
from mqbench.utils import deepcopy_graphmodule, deepcopy_mixedmodule, topology_order, getitem2node
from mqbench.utils.utils import _fix_succ_recursivly
from mqbench.utils.state import enable_quantization, disable_all
import mqbench.nn.intrinsic.qat as qnniqat

_ADAROUND_SUPPORT_TYPE = (torch.nn.Conv2d, torch.nn.Linear)
_FUSED_TYPE = (nniqat.ConvBnReLU2d, nniqat.ConvBn2d, qnniqat.ConvFreezebn2d, qnniqat.ConvFreezebnReLU2d)
_WEIGHTS_MODULE_TYPE = (torch.nn.Conv2d, torch.nn.Linear)

def node2modules(name2modules, nodes):
    modules = dict()
    for node in nodes:
        if in name2modules:
            modules[node] = name2modules[]
    return modules

def qnode2fpnode(quant_modules, fp32_modules):
    quant_named_nodes = { node for node in quant_modules}
    fp32_named_nodes = { node for node in fp32_modules}
    qnode2fpnode_dict = {quant_named_nodes[key]: fp32_named_nodes[key] for key in quant_named_nodes}
    return qnode2fpnode_dict

def layer_has_weights(nodes, modules):
    has_weights = False
    for node in nodes:
        if node in modules:
            if isinstance(modules[node], _WEIGHTS_MODULE_TYPE):
                has_weights = True
    return has_weights

def lp_loss(pred, tgt, p=2.0):
    loss function measured in L_p Norm
    return (pred - tgt).abs().pow(p).sum(1).mean()

def to_device(data, device='cpu'):
    if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor):
    elif isinstance(data, dict):
        for key in data:
            data[key] = to_device(data[key], device)
        return data
    elif isinstance(data, list):
        for idx, _ in enumerate(data):
            data[idx] = to_device(data[idx], device)
        return data
        return data

def tensor_detach(data):
    if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor):
        return data.detach()
    elif isinstance(data, dict):
        for key in data:
            data[key] = tensor_detach(data[key])
        return data
    elif isinstance(data, list):
        data = [tensor_detach(dat) for dat in data]
        return data

def save_inp_oup_data(model: GraphModule, inp_module: Module, oup_module: Module, cali_data: list, store_inp=True, store_oup=True,
                      keep_gpu: bool = True):
    Save input data and output data of a particular layer/block over calibration dataset.
    :param fp_model: fp_model
    :param quant_model: quant_model
    :param cali_data: calibration data set
    :param keep_gpu: put saved data on GPU for faster optimization
    :return: input and output data
    device = next(model.parameters()).device
    if store_inp:
        assert inp_module is not None
        inp_saver = DataSaverHook(store_input=store_inp, store_output=False, stop_forward=(not store_oup))
        inp_handle = inp_module.register_forward_hook(inp_saver)
    if store_oup:
        assert oup_module is not None
        oup_saver = DataSaverHook(store_input=False, store_output=store_oup, stop_forward=True)
        oup_handle = oup_module.register_forward_hook(oup_saver)
    cached = ([], [])
    with torch.no_grad():
        for batch in cali_data:
                _ = model(to_device(batch, device))
            except StopForwardException:
            if store_inp:
                if keep_gpu:
                    cached[0].append([tensor_detach(inp) for inp in inp_saver.input_store])
                    cached[0].append([to_device(tensor_detach(inp), 'cpu') for inp in inp_saver.input_store])  # tuple/list one
            if store_oup:
                if keep_gpu:
                    cached[1].append(to_device(tensor_detach(oup_saver.output_store), 'cpu'))
    if store_inp:
    if store_oup:
    return cached

class LinearTempDecay:
    def __init__(self, t_max=10000, warm_up=0.2, start_b=20, end_b=2):
        self.t_max = t_max
        self.start_decay = warm_up * t_max
        self.start_b = start_b
        self.end_b = end_b

    def __call__(self, t):
        if t < self.start_decay:
            return self.start_b
        elif t > self.t_max:
            return self.end_b
            rel_t = (t - self.start_decay) / (self.t_max - self.start_decay)
            return self.end_b + (self.start_b - self.end_b) * max(0.0, (1 - rel_t))

class CosineTempDecay:
    def __init__(self, t_max=10000, warm_up=0.2, start_b=20, end_b=2):
        self.t_max = t_max
        self.start_decay = warm_up * t_max
        self.start_b = start_b
        self.end_b = end_b

    def __call__(self, t):
        if t < self.start_decay:
            return self.start_b
        elif t > self.t_max:
            return self.end_b
            rel_t = (t - self.start_decay) / (self.t_max - self.start_decay)
            return self.end_b + 0.5 * (self.start_b - self.end_b) * (1 + np.cos(rel_t * np.pi))

class LossFunction:
    r'''loss function to calculate mse reconstruction loss and relaxation loss
    use some tempdecay to balance the two losses.
    def __init__(self,
                 subgraph: Module,
                 weight: float = 1.,
                 max_count: int = 10000,
                 b_range: tuple = (20, 2),
                 warm_up: float = 0.0,
                 p: float = 2.):

        self.subgraph = subgraph
        self.weight = weight
        self.loss_start = max_count * warm_up
        self.p = p

        self.temp_decay = LinearTempDecay(max_count, warm_up=warm_up,
                                          start_b=b_range[0], end_b=b_range[1])
        self.count = 0

    def __call__(self, pred, tgt):
        Compute the total loss for adaptive rounding:
        rec_loss is the quadratic output reconstruction loss, round_loss is
        a regularization term to optimize the rounding policy

        :param pred: output from quantized model
        :param tgt: output from FP model
        :return: total loss function
        self.count += 1
        rec_loss = lp_loss(pred, tgt, p=self.p)

        b = self.temp_decay(self.count)
        if self.count < self.loss_start:
            round_loss = 0
            round_loss = 0
            for layer in self.subgraph.modules():
                if isinstance(layer, _ADAROUND_SUPPORT_TYPE):
                    round_vals = layer.weight_fake_quant.rectified_sigmoid()
                    round_loss += self.weight * (1 - ((round_vals - .5).abs() * 2).pow(b)).sum()

        total_loss = rec_loss + round_loss
        if self.count % 500 == 0:
  'Total loss:\t{:.3f} (rec:{:.3f}, round:{:.3f})\tb={:.2f}\tcount={}'.format(
                float(total_loss), float(rec_loss), float(round_loss), b, self.count))
        return total_loss

def _flatten_args(node):
    flattned_args = []
    if isinstance(node, dict):
        for v in node.values():
    elif isinstance(node, tuple) or isinstance(node, list):
        for n in node:
    return flattned_args

def find_used_times(nodes, target):
    used = len([_node for _node in target.users if _node in nodes])    
    return used

def find_cur_node(layer_node_list):
    node_list = []
    used_later = []
    for idx, node in enumerate(layer_node_list):
        for _node in layer_node_list[idx + 1:]:
            if node in _flatten_args(_node.args):
    not_used_later = [node for node in layer_node_list if node not in used_later]
    single_branch = dict()
    for node in not_used_later:
        single_branch[node] = set([node])
        q = [node]
        while True:
            now_args = sum([_flatten_args(_node.args) for _node in q], [])
            p = [_node for _node in now_args if isinstance(_node, torch.fx.Node) and find_used_times(layer_node_list, _node) == 1]
            single_branch[node] = single_branch[node].union(set(p))
            if len(p) == 0:
                q = p
    for node in layer_node_list:
        if node.op == 'call_function' or node.op == 'call_method':
        if node not in used_later:
    unwanted = set()
    for key in single_branch:
        if key is node:
            unwanted = unwanted.union(single_branch[key])
    layer_node_list = [_node for _node in layer_node_list if _node not in unwanted]
    for _node in layer_node_list:
        if _node is node:
            return node_list

def subgraph_reconstruction(subgraph, cached_inps, cached_oups, config):
    global USE_LINK
    global USE_DDP
    device = next(subgraph.parameters()).device
    w_para, a_para = [], []
    w_opt, w_scheduler = None, None
    if hasattr(config, 'scale_lr'):
        a_para = []
    for name, layer in subgraph.named_modules():
        if isinstance(layer, _ADAROUND_SUPPORT_TYPE):
            weight_quantizer = layer.weight_fake_quant
            # assert isinstance(weight_quantizer, adaround_quantizer) is True
            weight_quantizer.init(, config.round_mode)
            w_para += [weight_quantizer.alpha]
        if isinstance(layer, torch.quantization.FakeQuantizeBase) and 'post_act_fake_quantize' in name:
            if hasattr(config, 'scale_lr'):
      'learn the scale for {}'.format(name))
                a_para += [layer.scale]
            layer.prob = config.prob
    if len(a_para) != 0:
        a_opt = torch.optim.Adam(a_para, lr=config.scale_lr)
        a_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR(a_opt, T_max=config.max_count, eta_min=0.)
        a_opt, a_scheduler = None, None
    w_opt = torch.optim.Adam(w_para)

    loss_func = LossFunction(subgraph=subgraph, weight=config.weight, max_count=config.max_count, b_range=config.b_range,

    if any([USE_DDP, USE_LINK]):
        world_size = link.get_world_size() if USE_LINK else dist.get_world_size()
        world_size = 1'The world size is {}.'.format(world_size))
    '''start training''''start tuning by adaround')
    if config.prob < 1.0:
        # cache inps: drop x args x batch x data
        sz = len(cached_inps[0][0])
        num_args = len(cached_inps[0])
        # cache inps: args x batch x data
        sz = len(cached_inps[0])
        num_args = len(cached_inps)
    for i in range(config.max_count):
        idx = np.random.randint(0, sz)
        cur_args = []
        for a in range(num_args):
            if config.prob < 1.0:
                cur_inp = to_device(cached_inps[0][a][idx], device)
                cur_sym = to_device(cached_inps[1][a][idx], device)
                cur_inp = torch.where(torch.rand_like(cur_inp) < config.prob, cur_inp, cur_sym)
                cur_inp = to_device(cached_inps[a][idx], device)
        cur_args = tuple(cur_args)
        cur_out = to_device(cached_oups[idx], device)
        if a_opt:
        out_quant = subgraph(*cur_args)
        err = loss_func(out_quant, cur_out)
        err /= world_size
        if world_size > 1:
            for param in w_para:
                if USE_LINK:
                elif USE_DDP:
        if a_opt:
        if w_scheduler:
        if a_scheduler:
    for name, layer in subgraph.named_modules():        
        if isinstance(layer, _FUSED_TYPE):
            # We need to do bn fold simulation here.
            weight_quantizer = layer.weight_fake_quant
            scale_factor = / torch.sqrt( +
            merged_rounded_weight = weight_quantizer.get_hard_value(
       * scale_factor.reshape([-1] + [1] * (len(layer.weight.shape) - 1)))
   = merged_rounded_weight / scale_factor.reshape([-1] + [1] * (len(merged_rounded_weight.shape) - 1))
            weight_quantizer.adaround = False
        elif isinstance(layer, _ADAROUND_SUPPORT_TYPE):
            assert not hasattr(layer, 'bn'), 'Layer {} with type {} has BN ! Should not reach here.'.format(name, type(layer))
            weight_quantizer = layer.weight_fake_quant
   = weight_quantizer.get_hard_value(
            weight_quantizer.adaround = False
        if isinstance(layer, torch.quantization.FakeQuantizeBase) and 'post_act_fake_quantize' in name:
            layer.prob = 1.0   # recover to promise that drop activation quantization only occurs at reconstruction phase

def extract_subgraph(orig_module: nn.Module, nodes: List[fx.Node], output: fx.Node, g2node: dict):
    Given lists of nodes from an existing graph that represent a subgraph, returns a submodule that executes that subgraph.
    new_graph = fx.Graph()
    env = dict()
    inp_lst = []
    for node in nodes:
        for arg in _flatten_args(node.args):
            if isinstance(arg, torch.fx.Node):
                if arg not in nodes and arg not in inp_lst:
                    if node in g2node:
                        arg_name = g2node[node].name
                        arg_name =
                    new_node = new_graph.placeholder(arg_name)
                    env[node] = new_node
    for node in nodes:
        if node in inp_lst:
        if node in g2node:
            node = g2node[node]
        new_node = new_graph.node_copy(node, lambda x: env[x])
        env[node] = new_node
    # create this or there will not be return value
    return fx.GraphModule(orig_module, new_graph)

def find_num_nodes(nodes):
    num = 0
    for node in nodes:
        if isinstance(node, Node):
            num += 1
    return num

# Recommend: log this to check if the layer is right. You can define your own layer manually or automatically like this
# extract the linked-list/single-chain
def extract_layer(node, fp32_modules):
    layer_node_list = []
    cur_node = node
    is_next_block = False  # check whether stoped by a block
    while True:
        logger.debug('cur_node in layer is {}'.format(cur_node))
        layer_node_list.append(cur_node)  # valid node here
        stop = (len(cur_node.users) == 0)
        for user in cur_node.users:
            if == 'update':
            if user.op == 'call_module' and isinstance(
                    fp32_modules[user], _ADAROUND_SUPPORT_TYPE):
                stop = True
            # TODO: only short-cut here, consider more here
            # TODO: can also use un/completed to check here.
            if ('add' in
                    and user.op in ['call_function', 'call_method']):
                stop = True
            if user.op == 'output':
                is_next_block, stop = True, True
        if stop:
        cur_node = list(cur_node.users.keys())[0]
    if find_num_nodes(cur_node.users) > 1:
        is_next_block = True
    return layer_node_list, is_next_block

# Recommend: log this to check if the block is right. You can define your own block manually or automatically like this
# extract the block one such as short-cut
def extract_block(input_nodes, fp32_modules, depth=0):
    if depth > 2:
        # stack 2 or 3 layers for no short-cut structure
        return []
    layer_node_list = []
    is_block = False
    cnt = dict()
    q, p = [], []  # q records the completed node, p records the uncompleted nodes
    cur_node = None
    for input in input_nodes:
        for user in input.users:
            if user not in cnt:
                cnt[user] = find_num_nodes(user.args)
                if cnt[user] > 1:
                    is_block = True
            cnt[user] -= 1
            if cnt[user] == 0:
    while len(q) != 0:
        cur_node = q.pop(0)  # valid node here
        logger.debug('cur node is {}'.format(cur_node))
        if == 'update':
        if len(p) == 0 and len(q) == 0:
        for user in cur_node.users:
            if user not in cnt:
                cnt[user] = find_num_nodes(user.args)
                if cnt[user] > 1:
                    is_block = True
            cnt[user] -= 1
            if cnt[user] == 0:
        logger.debug('uncompleted nodes are {}'.format(p))
    if not cur_node:
        return layer_node_list
    exp_nodes, is_next_block = extract_layer(cur_node, fp32_modules)
    if is_block or is_next_block:
        return layer_node_list + exp_nodes
        return layer_node_list + exp_nodes + extract_block(
            [exp_nodes[-1]], fp32_modules, depth + 1)

[docs]def ptq_reconstruction(model: GraphModule, cali_data: list, config: dict, graph_module_list: list = None): r""" Reconsturction for AdaRound, BRECQ, QDrop. Basic optimization objective: .. math:: \mathop{\arg\min}_{\mathbf{V}}\ \ || Wx-\tilde{W}x ||_F^2 + \lambda f_{reg}(\mathbf{V}), \tilde{W}=s \cdot clip\left( \left\lfloor\dfrac{W}{s}\right\rfloor+h(\mathbf{V}), n, p \right) where :math:`h(\mathbf{V}_{i,j})=clip(\sigma(\mathbf{V}_{i,j})(\zeta-\gamma)+\gamma, 0, 1)`, and :math:`f_{reg}(\mathbf{V})=\mathop{\sum}_{i,j}{1-|2h(\mathbf{V}_{i,j})-1|^\beta}`. By annealing on :math:`\beta`, the rounding mask can adapt freely in initial phase and converge to 0 or 1 in later phase. Args: model (torch.nn.Module): a prepared GraphModule to do PTQ cali_data (List): a list of calibration tensor config (dict): a config for PTQ reconstruction graph_module_list (list): a list of model's children modules which need quantization. if this is used, the model is partial quantized; if not, the model is fully quantized. >>> sample config : { pattern: block (str, Available options are [layer, block].) scale_lr: 4.0e-5 (learning rate for learning step size of activation) warm_up: 0.2 (0.2 * max_count iters without regularization to floor or ceil) weight: 0.01 (loss weight for regularization item) max_count: 20000 (optimization iteration) b_range: [20,2] (beta decaying range ) keep_gpu: True (calibration data restore in gpu or cpu) round_mode: learned_hard_sigmoid (ways to reconstruct the weight, currently only support learned_hard_sigmoid) prob: 0.5 (dropping probability of QDROP) } """ # assert model is on cuda if not config.keep_gpu: cali_data = [to_device(inp, 'cpu') for inp in cali_data] '''set state first''' fp32_model = model fp32_model.eval() if graph_module_list is None: assert isinstance(fp32_model, torch.fx.GraphModule) quant_model = deepcopy_graphmodule(model) nodes = list(quant_model.graph.nodes) g2node = getitem2node(quant_model) fp32_modules = node2modules(dict(fp32_model.named_modules()), fp32_model.graph.nodes) quant_modules = node2modules(dict(quant_model.named_modules()), quant_model.graph.nodes) topology_order_by_node = topology_order(quant_model) else: quant_model = deepcopy_mixedmodule(model, graph_module_list) nodes = [] g2node = dict() fp32_modules = dict() quant_modules = dict() topology_order_by_node = {} topo_cnt = 0 for mname in graph_module_list: child = getattr(quant_model, mname) assert isinstance(child, torch.fx.GraphModule) nodes += list(child.graph.nodes) g2node.update(getitem2node(child)) for mname in graph_module_list: fp_child = getattr(fp32_model, mname) q_child = getattr(quant_model, mname) # note: the nodes we use is from the quant model, so build q_node2fp_module, rather than fp2fp. fp_modules = node2modules(dict(fp_child.named_modules()), q_child.graph.nodes) q_modules = node2modules(dict(q_child.named_modules()), q_child.graph.nodes) fp32_modules.update(fp_modules) quant_modules.update(q_modules) child_topo = topology_order(q_child) for k in child_topo: child_topo[k] += topo_cnt topology_order_by_node.update(child_topo) topo_cnt += len(topology_order_by_node) qnode2fpnode_dict = qnode2fpnode(quant_modules, fp32_modules) quant_model.eval() disable_all(fp32_model) enable_quantization(quant_model) torch.cuda.empty_cache() checked_nodes = dict() for node in nodes: if 'exclude_node_prefix' in config: cont = False for prefix in config['exclude_node']: if cont = True break if cont:'Exclude node {node}') continue if node in checked_nodes: continue if node.op == "call_module" and isinstance(quant_modules[node], _ADAROUND_SUPPORT_TYPE):'prepare {} reconstruction for {}'.format(config.pattern, node)) if config.pattern == 'layer': layer_node_list, _ = extract_layer(node, quant_modules) elif config.pattern == 'block': layer_node_list = extract_block(node.all_input_nodes, quant_modules) else: raise NotImplementedError # if the update is not used in the block, remove it if not all([ != 'update' for n in layer_node_list]): remove_nodes = [] for idx, n in enumerate(layer_node_list): if == 'update': src = n.args[0] remove = True for _idx in range(idx + 1, len(layer_node_list)): if src in _flatten_args( layer_node_list[_idx].args): remove = False break if remove: remove_nodes.append(n) layer_node_list = [n for n in layer_node_list if n not in remove_nodes] missing_inputs = [] for _node in layer_node_list: for arg in _flatten_args(_node.args): if isinstance(arg, torch.fx.Node): if arg not in layer_node_list and arg not in missing_inputs: missing_inputs.append(arg) layer_node_list.extend(missing_inputs) # replace getitem nodes into its source node layer_node_list = [n if n not in g2node else g2node[n] for n in layer_node_list] for _node in layer_node_list: src = [arg for arg in _flatten_args(_node.args) if arg in g2node] for arg in src: _node.args = _fix_succ_recursivly(_node.args, arg, g2node[arg]) layer_node_list = sorted(layer_node_list, key=lambda x: topology_order_by_node[x]) layer_node_list = find_cur_node(layer_node_list) if layer_has_weights(layer_node_list, quant_modules): pass else: continue'the node list is below!') fp32_module = fp32_modules[qnode2fpnode_dict[layer_node_list[-1]]] fp32_all_inps = [] quant_all_inps = [] fp32_final_oups = None out_is_cached = False for _node in layer_node_list: if all([arg in layer_node_list for arg in _flatten_args(_node.args) if isinstance(arg, torch.fx.Node)]): continue else: fp32_inp_module = fp32_modules[qnode2fpnode_dict[_node]] quant_module = quant_modules[_node] # fp32 inps: [out_b1, out_b2, ...] _, fp32_inps = save_inp_oup_data(fp32_model, None, fp32_inp_module, cali_data, store_inp=False, store_oup=(config.prob < 1.0), keep_gpu=config.keep_gpu) _, fp32_oups = save_inp_oup_data(fp32_model, None, fp32_module, cali_data, store_inp=False, store_oup=(not out_is_cached), keep_gpu=config.keep_gpu) _, quant_inps = save_inp_oup_data(quant_model, None, quant_module, cali_data, store_inp=False, store_oup=True, keep_gpu=config.keep_gpu) fp32_all_inps.append(fp32_inps) quant_all_inps.append(quant_inps) if not out_is_cached: fp32_final_oups = fp32_oups out_is_cached = True cached_inps = (quant_all_inps, fp32_all_inps) if config.prob < 1.0 else quant_all_inps cached_oups = fp32_final_oups quant_modules_by_name = dict() for node in layer_node_list: if node.op == 'call_module': quant_modules_by_name[] = quant_modules[node] subgraph = extract_subgraph(quant_modules_by_name, layer_node_list, layer_node_list[-1], g2node) subgraph_reconstruction(subgraph, cached_inps, cached_oups, config) for x in layer_node_list: checked_nodes[x] = True disable_all(quant_model) for node in checked_nodes: if node.op == 'call_module': enable_quantization(quant_modules[node])'set the node {} in quant') return quant_model